Apr 27, 2022
Don't miss this a repeat of the rare surprise LIVE Episode of Autism Live! In this special episode, our host Shannon Penrod explains what appeal process means in autism jargon terms for the Autism Jargon of the day before getting to our special guest, an actor from the Netflix Original Series Locke & Key and returning guest, Coby Bird! Tune in and see what Coby has been up to and what he has planned for the future!
Facebook: Coby Bird https://www.facebook.com/thecobybird
Instagram & Twitter @thecobybird https://www.instagram.com/thecobybird
Cameo: Coby Bird https://www.cameo.com/cobybird?nodeId=&nodeType=category
9:14 Autism Jargon of the Day: Appeal Process
11:10 Appeal Process - Actual Definition
12:32 Appeal Process - Working Definition
19:19 Question of the Day - Have you ever been "Short-Changed" by your insurance?
18:34 Topic of the Week - Art as a form of communication
20:32 Zpods @zPODS https://www.zpodsforsleep.com
23:15 Locke & Key Actor and Disability advocate Coby Bird joins us again!
33:38 The Actress that plays your Rufus' Mother on Locke & Key and the gift she gave Coby.
39:44 Bike Riding
44:06 What was it like living in so many different places?
56:14 what is the one thing in closing that you would like the world to know about you and about Autism?
1:01:06 What to expect on Autism Live Link Tree https://linktr.ee/AutismLive
Pre-Order the book written by the host of Autism Live, Shannon Penrod! https://www.amazon.com/Autism-Parent-Sanity-Saving-Spectrum/dp/1949177858
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/autism-live/id827968203
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/autismlivepodcast
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0TXbDFs8cLP0UQbNVqHThf?si=VbEfw4_oRjqJY3vK2pgmFg
IHeartRadio.com https://www.iheart.com/podcast/263-autism-live-51537613/
Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/search/autism%20live