Jan 30, 2015
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Today on Autism Live: Dr. Doreen Granpeesheh answers viewer questions about Autism including: How do we get a child to care about something they say is boring? How do we use a token economy to increase behaviors? What can we do instead of being a “Tiger Mom” to get kids to do things they don’t want to do? What can we do for a child who has no access to ABA? and more. During Let’s Talk Autism with Shannon & Nancy, the ladies talk with Craig Kohn, The Aspergers Coach. Craig’s blog, www.craigkohntheaspergerscoach.blogspot.com deals with a wide variety of subjects including what it is like to be on the spectrum. Craig talks frankly about what it has been like for him to be on the spectrum.
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Autism Live is a production of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD), headquartered in Tarzana, California, and with offices throughout, the United States and around the globe. For more information on therapy for autism and other related disorders, visit the CARD website at http://centerforautism.com