Feb 27, 2015
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Hoy en Autismo y Familia, Juan Ronderos, Presentador de Autismo y Familia, contesta la pregunta popular en el tema de autismo. ¿ ¿Qué es comunicación...
Feb 27, 2015
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A parent writes in with a question about hygiene and dealing with hygiene issues in front of peers. Dr. Adel Najdowski and Dr. Jonathan Tarbox discuss how to deal with these issues and the parent’s particular concern about her son’s hands going into...
Feb 27, 2015
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Dr. Adel Najdowski and Dr. Jonathan Tarbox answer a parent’s question about whether they should tell their teenager they have or had a diagnosis of Autism. Autism Mom Shannon weighs in with her opinion.
Autism Live is a production of the Center for...
Feb 27, 2015
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Dr. Jonathan Tarbox gives important information about the Autism Research Group’s upcoming workshop, Why Does My Child Do That? The workshop will take place on March 10th it is free to the public and free childcare will be provided. For...
Feb 27, 2015
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Today’s jargon is OT! Occupational Therapy is included in most Autism treatment programs.
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Autism Live is a production of the Center for Autism and...