Jan 30, 2015
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Today on Autism Live: Dr. Adel Najdowski gives tips on what to do when progress is not happening or not happening fast enough. Dr. Najdowski answers a question about the differences between the VB-Mapp and Skills®. She also answers a parent’s question about difficulty with getting a child to sit while eating and another question on pica. Dr. Jonathan Tarbox answers viewer’s questions how to teach a child to dress and undress, how to teach attentions skills, concepts, vocabulary, what to do to help a teen with anxiety driven responses and what to do if a child is pulling their own hair out.
Autism Live is a production of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD), headquartered in Tarzana, California, and with offices throughout, the United States and around the globe. For more information on therapy for autism and other related disorders, visit the CARD website at http://centerforautism.com