Oct 25, 2022
Autism Expert and pioneer in the field of Autism, Psychologist and BCBA, Dr. Doreen Granpeesheh is answering viewer questions about how to handle sensory issues! Tune in and check it out! Ask Dr. Doreen is LIVE on Tuesdays at 10am PT/ 12pm CST/ 1pm ET! If you would like to join the live conversation just join us here, Facebook, Twitter, or Twitch and comment your question! If you miss us live you can download the podcast from Autism Live wherever you get your podcast!
Recording Live @10am PT October 25, 2022
#SensoryIssues #Autism #AutismParents
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14:10 How do I know if my son has severe autism?
30:02 My child jumps while poop. he does not know how to squat he is 4.5 year old.
another problem he bangs objects because of sensory issues. how can I resolve this banging issue
37:17 What are some factors that indicate more on the Intellectual Disability Vs Autism?
43:25 My son is four years old. He is nonverbal, classified as intellectually disabled, and severely autistic. He is a very sweet little boy, and I love him very much. He needs a lot of special care and is emotionally and mentally more like a very young two year old. He goes to autistic specialized preschool and absolutely loves it. I am having some difficulty with recent behaviors and the school isn’t really helping with ideas. He likes scripting from YouTube videos. Mostly nursery rhymes and songs with alphabet and numbers. The scripting in itself is not a problem. The main problem is that he does not control the volume of his voice at all, and he will script literally nonstop day and night. Most children when they wake at night would become bored and go back to sleep, but he is perfectly happy to entertain himself for several hours on end. Does anybody have any suggestions how to help him understand there is times he cannot do these behaviors or at least to do them quietly? Given his limitations simply requesting he be quiet or does not work, and only pauses his action for about three seconds. I am a single mom and I lack social support. I have also explored every resource in the area, and there are not a ton. I am utilizing what is available, but I need more help.
54:57 He loves cords and shoelaces his gone through so many shoe laces I’ve had to buy so many because he pulls on them or puts them on his mouth I don’t know what to do he reaches every where I put them.
58:05 I've requested accommodations at the school without result.
Without the diagnosis of deaf they will not accommodate.